Sunrise Clubs

We have had an overwhelming response to our two clubs that have been offered this year!

During our after school Art Club, about 25 3rd & 4th grade students worked on several projects. They made pinch pots with ceramic clay, learning about the firing/glaze firing process. They also used oven bake polymer clay to make figurines. In addition, kids made beaded bracelets and designed bookmarks.

Kids at a table painting their pinch potsKids at desks coloring bookmarksKids at desks coloring bookmarksChess club is a student-led club at Sunrise with about 25 participants. Tucker, Molly, Addy, and Brooklyn from room 403 recruited fifth graders (and some fourth graders) to join after school on Tuesdays. Community members have stepped up to provide strategy lessons and tips as the students become masters at chess! Students are learning the rules and strategy of the game, as well as playing tournament-style games with each other.

a parent helping to coach two girls with their chess gamea grandparent helping to coach two students on their chess gametwo boys playing a game of chess